Friday, February 25, 2011

Lulls and Tools

Day 3:

Okay, so this post might not be very long because I'm not feeling so hot. So, today, I made it without pulling. I'm not having many urges, though... And I'm scared that this might just be a lull. (I don't know if anyone else gets these, but I get lulls in my pulling where, one week, I won't pull as much, and then the next, I'll pull like crazy.) My mom ordered my NAC (that's N-Acetyl-Cystein, to anyone who doesn't know, it's supposed to decrease urges in people with Trich.) yesterday and I'm interested to see how/if it works. I haven't really been doing anything, tool wise, though. I'm using my make-shift spinner ring my mom gave me when I'm uncomfortable or stressed or bored, I've noticed. And I'm planning on making a sign saying "You can do it" to put on my wall, and maybe the art project will occupy me for a few hours. So, yeah, that's pretty much all for right now. I don't really know how to keep going without rambling, so I'm just going to end it here.

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