Thursday, March 10, 2011

Catching Up

So, I haven't posted in quite a few days, but, I figure, since I'm doing this mostly for myself, I don't really have an obligation and, therefore, shouldn't feel guilty. At least, that's what I'm telling myself.
So, the past few days... Let's see, what have you missed? I've been having a lot of urges, lately. I have hairs on the sides of my head that I just can't stop playing with. I want to pull them out so badly, but I can't. It's like I can literally hear the little devil on my shoulder saying, "Just pull it our, you don't have to keep going, just pull this one hair out, just one, that's it, it's such a good hair, feel how thick it is, I bet you can get a good root on it, go on, just do it." And I almost did. I've found myself playing with the tiny hairs, kind of hoping that they would just come out on their own if I play with them enough. Then it wouldn't be my fault, but I'd still find relief.
My hair's growing back in well, so far. I can finally put my hair in a braid without a clip. I used to have to put a barrette in my hair before braiding, so the little hairs on the crown of my head wouldn't stick up. Now, I'm excited to say, I don't have to.
Because I've been having so many urges, my mom bumped my NAC up to two twice a day. We;ll see if that works better.
Also, I stopped doing the hair treatment. I just want to see if it will grow back on its own.
I have some other stuff I want to talk about, but I'll leave that for another post.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

New Strategies

Day 8:

Last night, I got my shipment of NAC. I'm excited to see how it works. But then I get scared that it might not work... It says it's only 50% of people find it helpful. Also, my mom and I were in CVS (a drug store in case they don't have them in your state) and I walked by the women's rogain. I had been thinking that it might help me before, I just never actually picked it up. I only pull the little hairs growing back, so maybe, if I use this, it'll help them grow really fast and I won't have the urge to pull them. But, as always, my brain goes through every pessimistic option the situation has. So, I think, "Or you've damaged the follicles too much and they just won't grow back at all." I asked my mom and she bought it for me. Then I noticed that it said it may change the texture or color of the hair. I thought, "Well, if it becomes thicker, then I'm only going to want to pull it more..." But my mom calmed me down and I figured I'd might as well give it a try. So far, though, my hair's coming in so nicely. I can't wait til I can wear pigtails again!
Tonight, my mom wasn't in the room and, without realizing it I pulled a hair from my hairline. I was horrified once I realized what I'd done. I didn't have the urge to pull anymore because I was so upset with myself. But, I'm not going to let this lapse take away everything these 8 days have given me.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Make-Up Blog

Day 7:

I know I haven't posted the past couple of days and for that, I'm sorry. School has been crazy and I haven't felt the greatest. Anyway, let me bring you up to date.
I haven't pulled the last two days, even though I didn't blog it. I've had the urge, though. I thought about it. I thought, "I could pull my hair right now, I could pull and pull and pull and it would feel so good. I could take my hair down, and feel my hair part over my baldspot and pick at all the sore spots. It would make me feel so happy." But I didn't.
I actually felt my spot today. I usually don't because I don't want the urge, like I know I'll feel if I rub my fingers through the hair. But I wanted to see if hair was growing. It was. I remembered how it felt when I had finished a bad pull session, how I could feel my scalp through the sparse hair left. But now, I could feel nothing but short hair. However, when I started rubbing it, I felt the way the hair parted on my scalp and it drove me crazy the way I wanted to pull just then.
I have a little spiky ball that I tried to play with to distract myself, but it didn't help much. Even though I had the sensation on my fingers, I didn't have the sensation on my scalp. It's frustrating that I can't find relief. I mean, I don't want to pull, but I don't want this urge either.
My dad called last night. He lives in Georgia with my step-mom and little brother. I filled him in on everything new going on in my life. What classes I'm taking, what I'm thinking about doing for college, and my career choices so far. Then I brought up my trich.
"So, lately, I've been trying really hard to stop pulling my hair." I said tentively.
"Oh, you're still doing that?" he asked as casually as if we were still talking about school.
I tried to calm down, but I could already feel the stab that comment made in my good mood from making it this far.
"No, Dad... And why do you say it like that? Like... I don't know."
"Like what? I just thought you'd stopped that, is all."
Another stab.
"No, Dad, it's not that easy..."
"Oh, okay."
I tried to tell myself not to overreact. He didn't know, he didn't understand. It wasn't as if he was trying to hurt my feelings. But still, I was disappointed.
Before, after and incident like that happened, I would probably get on the computer, watch youtube, and most likely pull my hair for a few hours. But now, I couldn't.
It's like learning how to deal with stuff all over again.